Children Church Ministry
Our children have well equipped teachers. We teach the Word of God from the Word of God to the children. Jesus is the Spirit in which children ministry is held together (Colossians 1:17)
Children have wandering minds. There are hands-on activities and mind participation. We guard the children from shrinking minds. The children are equipped with faith, moral instruction, and cultivating their spiritual health by praying and songs to the Lord. Knowing who Jesus is as well as the Trinity (2 Timothy 1:10)
Jesus called the children to Him and said. Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it (Luke 18:16-17. There are about 1,700 references in the Bible that show God's love for children. We are servants to add to that obedience. Children are one of the gifts of God. Here at Joint Heirs with Christ Ministries we acknowledge it as the Word orchestrates (Matt 18:10)
Praise Dance Ministry
Our Praise Dance Ministry mission is to minister the gospel. By the leading of sign language and step which is ushered by the Holy Spirit. The power of praise through dance is anointed by God.
The Dance Ministry is taught the meaning of worship, attire and flag colors. Ballet, tap, and spiritual gesture is a part of this anointed ministry. They are also taught that dance is in scripture.
They are to carry themselves in a proper manner in and out of the church.
Scriptures are given to each dancer and they are directed to know what the Word of God says about Praise Dancing. Ephesians 2;10
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Our team is a very young group of girls aged 6 to 12 years old at the moment. They are young but are being taught that age is only a number. The Praise Team is learning to be power packed and anointed dancers for the glory of God. Psalm 149:3 Let them praise his name with dancing, making melody to him with tambourine and lyre! A favorite of mine is Ecclesiastes
3:4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.
Our Joint Heirs Praise Dance Ministry is to empower the people through the Holy Spirit.
Food and Clothing Ministry
Our mission is to have an impact on the communities. We have also recruited the surrounding businesses to join up with us. Our endeavors are to reach out to other outreach providers to offer our help.
Our mission is to reach out to those who have fallen in a moment of hard times. As we know God's word speaks on helping those who are in need. With rising food prices and the cost of other needs we can make the load just a little lighter. "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
" (2 Corinthians 9:7). As we are called
to love one another, we should help others in need as we are able to assist them, whether by physical offerings or spiritual prayer requests. It is wise to remember, as Jesus taught that it is "more blessed to give than receive."
We pray that every cupboard is full and no one should lack nourishment or clothing on their backs.
It's a sweet aroma unto God when he sees that His people are doing his will. (Deuteronomy 15:10)
You shall generously give to him, and your heart shall not be grieved when you give to him, because for this thing the lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all your undertakings.
Joint Heirs with Christ Ministry is a true Outreach Ministry. We intercede and stand in the gap for the weak, needy, and shut in. definitely including the elderly. We also provide for the homeless by ministering, providing snacks, as well as one of the most powerful gestures, which is prayer and even an ear to listen (Quick to listen and slow to speak). Giving God all the glory because he is the author and finisher of our faith to be successful in what we do. God is the reason that we win and it is nothing of ourselves that we are able. We make the effort and God provides a way for the accomplishment, we give with a cheerful heart, Amen.